

申请表格的过程现在是远程的. 请按照以下步骤操作. 额外的 有关填写在线表格的信息如下. 你们必须讨论 与教授该课程的教员合作的计划项目. 一旦学生报名 in the fields and sends it to the faculty member, neither you nor the faculty member 可以返回并编辑字段吗. 当你创作时,请与你的教授协商 应用程序. 如果你 want to make changes, the student must request a new 应用程序.

  1. Discuss proposed project with the faculty member teaching the course in which you 正在做这个项目.
  2. In your request for an 应用程序, you will need to provide your name and email address, faculty advisor name and email address, and department 主席 name and email address. Please be sure there are no typos and you have looked up the correct department 主席.
  3. 请填写 DocuSign荣誉申请请求
  4. 在三天内通过电子邮件收到申请表格.
  5. 完整地填写这张表格. 每个字段都必须填写,请参阅附加信息 以下是应用程序部分的指导. 完成后,表单将继续进行 交给指导老师和系主任签名. 经批准后 荣誉协调员,您将通过电子邮件收到表格的副本.


早点开始! 要花几个星期的时间和你的教练协调填写 在表格之外. 点击这里查看表格上的问题.
  • 学生信息我们需要你的全名,而不是昵称. 你的学生证号码是 由学院分配的8位数横幅ID(以9开头). 我们会发邮件 all correspondence, so monitor your email accounts for important Honors information.
  • 指导教师信息: This is the professor of the class you are doing the Honors Project in.
  • 所有推荐的荣誉项目都在一个 现有课程部分 (你正在修的课程). 包括4个字母的科目代码,课程编号, 章节号、课程名称和课程参考编号(CRN). 所有的信息都可以 发现在My盈禾体育. 例如,地质学概论是GEOL-1010-150, CRN 11260.
  • 项目暂定名称: This is whatever you and your professor want to (initially) name your project. 的 当您完成项目时,名称可能会更改,这没关系.
  • 会议时间表及日期这取决于你和你的导师. 会议安排的例子有:每周、每月 大部分通信是通过电子邮件进行的,需要的话也可以在课后进行. 通常, beginning date is when you turn in the 应用程序 form, and the end date is the last 上课日. 荣誉项目需要在成绩截止日期前完成 学期结束.
  • 荣誉项目数量和毕业信息: This helps us determine who is eligible to be an 荣誉项目 Graduate.
  • 荣誉论坛: We recommend participating in the 荣誉论坛, and creating the poster may be included 作为最终产品需求的一部分. 然而,通过勾选这个方框, 你没有承诺自己要参与.
  • 目标及活动: What will you do that will provide greater depth and breadth of the subject 事? What questions are you trying to answer, or what topics are you discussing? 将如何 你去做这件事? 确保你的目标是明确的,你和你的老师 advisor agree, since this is an agreement between you and your faculty advisor.
  • 最终产品: What end product will show that students have greater depth and breadth of subject 事? 你要交什么.g. 书面论文,艺术作品集,海报展示, 口头报告...)? 确保你清楚而完整地描述了你将要创造的内容 在最后(e.g. 长度,重要要求,包括的部分,最小数量 参考文献等.). 此外,要确保长度合适,因为这是一个重要的参数 学术事业,并应采取至少20小时的工作.
  • 独立思考和研究目标: Honors Projects must meet the goal of independent thinking and research, such as through critical thinking, information literacy, and/or inquiry and analysis. 如果你 and your professor cannot explain what specifically you are doing in your project to meet this goal, then the project will need to be changed so it does meet this goal. 请参阅下面的标题.
  • 跨学科的目标: It is desirable for Honors Projects to provide students with an interdisciplinary academic experience, such as by integrating viewpoints from multiple disciplines. 请参阅下面的标题.
  • 评估你的教授将如何给这个项目打分? 将使用什么标准? (e.g. 质量 of work, timeliness, attending meetings as scheduled, creativity, clear communication, 独立等.)
  • 签名: We are using DocuSign and will no longer accept paper, faxed or scanned copies. You, the faculty member, and the department 主席 will sign via DocuSign. It 会自动转交给荣誉协调员审批吗.


的 goals of Honors Projects done through the 荣誉项目 at 盈禾体育 are to:

  • 培养独立思考和研究能力
  • 提供跨学科的学术经验
  • 提高沟通技巧
  • 促进学习的自我反思


  • 至少满足荣誉项目的三个目标
  • must be a significant academic undertaking (on the part of both the student and participating 教员)
  • 工作时间必须超过20小时
  • is a supplementary project within a course that goes beyond the course requirements, 将项目与课程内容联系起来
  • often requires creative thinking and hands-on activities with clear practical 应用程序
  • offers honors students an opportunity to interact more deeply and more personally 与某一课程的主题有关的
  • 是整个学期都要做的吗
  • 让学生获得新的知识和技能
  • enables students and faculty to work together as "colleagues in learning" - a cooperative 这种精神唤醒了学院的根本宗旨
  • assists students to become an integral part of a stimulating academic interchange

的 specific requirements for each project are open so the projects can be creative 学术严谨的表现. 项目格式的示例包括但不限于 to research papers, PowerPoint presentations, poster presentations, displays of art or performance art, teaching lesson plans, computer programs, lab experiments and write-ups, evaluation of survey results, creative writing, teaching a week of class, 等.


的 following rubric will be used to evaluate your 应用程序 to do an Honors Project. 的 first three criteria must be met in order for the project to be approved.

项目标准 满足 不符合
学术严谨 Project demonstrates that students will engage in activities that provide for greater depth of subject 事; project is a significant academic undertaking 活动 described that project does not delve deeply enough into subject 事. 没有描述的严谨性或描述不够详细的评估.
独立思考与研究 Project demonstrates critical thinking, information literacy, and/or inquiry and analysis. Project analyzes ideas in a thorough way, organizes materials and research data or 创造性的技术,以产生详细的项目. 需要综合、创造和 思维的分析层次. 活动 described identify information in a basic way without independent thinking. 没有合成、创造和分析的描述.
沟通 Project demonstrates the inclusion of clear and coherent claims with sufficient support including reasoning, evidence, and persuasive appeals, and proper attribution when 必要的. Or project demonstrates clear indication that communication of ideas are 以适当的媒介传递. 活动 described do not portray how ideas will be clearly communicated. 没有完整的 通信需求描述.
跨学科(可选) Project integrates diverse knowledge, perspectives, and / or skills into arguments 和/或策略. 项目从一个以上的研究领域得出结论 纪律的角度来看. 活动 described do not indicate the consideration of more than one field of study 或者从学科角度来看.